Piano Restoration

Piano Restoration Singapore

Most old and antique musical instruments are heirlooms passed for generations. But apart from the quality of music these instruments have created, it also holds sentimental value which is priceless. Rapid SG Mover can help rebuild your precious pianos and make time look better, sound better, and be at par with brand new pianos.

Our exceptionally skilled piano restoration in Singapore service uses genuine parts to ensure that the quality of sound that your old piano will produce will be the same as it is newly-bought from the store. We combine time-tested methods and modern techniques to bring back the colour, texture, and dynamic sound that meets the requirements of any piano player and enthusiast.


With our complete piano restoration Singapore service, you can rest assured that our world-class piano artisans will restore your string instrument to its former grandeur and breathe new life to your cherished musical heirloom.

Internal Piano Restoration

  • restring
  • re hammers
  • repins
  • replace keyboard white key top
  • resolve stucks keys / sticky
  • restore damper
  • repair / replace new pedals
  • re alignment action pianos / keys
  • key weighted
  • polishing keyboards / pins
  • replace bladder tape / Contre pins
  • cleaning hammer head
  • replace spring / damper / muffle felt

External Piano Restoration

  • piano case repair – external body
  • piano wood dented / chip off repair
  • piano veneer repair


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